Monday, May 4, 2009

How To Get Fit After Baby is Born

While new moms are focused on taking care of their newborns, many are anxious to drop the extra pounds they gained during pregnancy.

Before you begin or resume an exercise program, speak with your doctor.

Here are suggestions to help get you started exercising after delivery:

  • Begin exercising at a slow pace, especially if you didn't exercise much during your pregnancy.
  • Always start your workouts with a warm up and end with a cool-down period.
  • Work out in a supportive sports bra.
  • Start out with regular power walks. You can take baby with you in a stroller.
  • Work your way up from walking to more difficult exercises.
  • Consider joining an exercise class that's designed for new moms.
  • Look for exercise programs at a local gym or fitness center, community center or college.

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