Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Keep Your Feet Safe in Flip-Flops

Flip-flops may feel great to wear during summer, but your feet might not agree. Many flip-flops offer no or little protection for the feet, and can lead to pain or injury.

Suggestions to help protect your feet while wearing flip-flops:

  • Invest in better quality flip-flops, made of a soft leather.
  • Try to bend the flip-flop gently. While it should give at the ball of the foot, never purchase any flip-flop that completely bends in half.
  • Opt for flip-flops instead of walking barefoot in areas such as public pools, beaches, locker rooms and hotel rooms.
  • Make sure the flip-flops fit, and your feet don't extend beyond the edge.
  • Protect your feet with a sturdier shoe (never a flip-flop) when playing sports, doing a lot of walking, or working in the yard.
  • Throw out old, worn flip-flops.
  • Take care of any sores or irritated skin between the toes.

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